Posts from February 2015

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“Rest with Us”

by Dan King

It is tough sometimes to hold it together when things are not looking very hopeful. Apparently that was the case at Thessalonica when Paul wrote his second letter to the church there. We often think that the apostolic era was atypical and somehow better than our own, that those people lived in an almost ideal […]

Be Patient, Brethren!

by Dan King

The writer James encouraged his reading audience to have some patience in their wait for the coming of Jesus and of God’s judgment upon the wicked. He said: “Be patient therefore, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient over it, until it […]

Putting The Lord Off Until Later

by Dan King

All of our lives are somewhat cluttered. I do not mean by this that they are cluttered in the sense that your desk might have a lot of stuff sitting on it or in the sense that your closet might have a bunch of old things stored there that may eventually get thrown away or […]