Posts by Dan King

110 of 49 items

The Church and the Lost

by Dan King

by Daniel H. King, Sr. The first general persecution of the church by the Jewish authorities in Jerusalem led to the scattering of Christians everywhere (Acts 8:4). This diabolical plan hatched by the political leadership of the city was set in motion in order to wipe out the new movement of Jesus followers. But it […]

A Cheerful Heart

by Dan King

By Daniel H. King, Sr. The Bible is a book that has the potential to make our lives more pleasant. This is so because its author is our maker. It stands to reason, therefore, that our manufacturer would know what it takes to make us function both properly and efficiently. It is a marvel to […]

Sodom Has Been Found!

by Dan King

By Daniel H. King, Sr. Who in modern times has not read the account of the destruction of ancient Sodom in Genesis 18 and not been left to think: “I wonder whatever became of that once great city?” Over the last two generations it seemed that perpetual frustration had beset the biblical archaeology community on […]

This World Is Not My Home

by Dan King

by Daniel H. King, Sr. Older people have always tended to look at the world differently than do younger folks. Time and experience have taken their toll upon us and so naivité is no longer an option for us. We have been around the block before and so the scenery does not look much better, […]

Turn On The Light!

by Dan King

In the Gospel according to John one of the dominant themes of the work is light and darkness. Presumably the theme is borrowed from the first chapter of the book of Genesis where God spoke light into existence and thus brought the darkness into submission with the words, “Let there be light!” The text simply […]

“Now I Know That You Are A Man Of God”

by Dan King

In the biblical era it was not easy for people to make the distinction between someone who only claimed to speak for God and in His name and that person who genuinely did so. This is one of those things that explains the need for miraculous signs in the Bible. After all, a claim is simply […]

“I Will Arise, And Go To My Father”

by Dan King

The parable about the “Prodigal Son” has come to be recognized in all languages and cultures as a superlative story which has few parallels and precious few equals. On the one hand the parable is of such a nature that it could happen in most any family, and on the other it is shot through […]

Woe To Those Who Desire the Day of the Lord

by Dan King

Sometimes we hope for things that, if we really knew what we were wishing for, we would not want them. I have known of people who wished for millions of dollars in prize money from some giveaway or lottery, but had no idea the kinds of problems that attended such large amounts of money. One […]

What Happened To Our “Polite Society”?

by Dan King

The designation “polite society” is, of course, a nuanced expression which has as its primary focus “the etiquette and manners of the upper class.” However, the term is really broader than that, and in fact it has also come to depict more generally those who practice good graces in whatever circumstance and in spite of […]

Stewards of the Mysteries of God

by Dan King

How we are perceived by others is not something that we can always determine on our own. The other person has almost complete control of that. But we have input into the matter and may certainly suggest to the other person how we might like to be seen. In one of Paul’s remarks in his […]