Posts from October 2015

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Victory in a Song

by Dan King

One of the truly mighty battles of the Old Testament that I have seldom heard any mention of was one that occurred in the reign of the righteous king of Judah named Jehoshaphat. It is recorded in 2 Chronicles chapter 20, and took place in the region of Tekoa, in the wilderness adjacent to that […]

Face to Face with Christ My Savior

by Dan King

One of the most lovely statements in all of Holy Scripture is found in Philippians 1:23, “For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better…” Paul knew what he faced. Roman justice was swift and sure. And it was pitiless. A man who was a […]

Man at War with Himself

by Dan King

Is it not interesting how at cross purposes with himself modern man is? You would think that with all of the many wonderful technological gadgets man has invented, and is able to deal with and “fix” so many of life’s seemingly intransigent problems, that he would have been able on some level at least to […]